How to turn your visitors into customers with these 4 techniques

Your dream is the same as that of many bloggers or website owners: turn your visitors into customers. Simply put, generate conversions.

In this post I will explain to you how to make your users become customers, even more interested in being involved with you and your online proposals. Let’s see together these 4 strategies that I’m sure will be really useful to achieve the goal.

How to turn your visitors into customers

1) Organize Webinars

The webinar derives from the composition of the words web and seminar , or a “web seminar” : if you sell a product or a service it is worth organizing one.

The tactic to use is not to try to sell a product or service, but to teach or transmit useful information to your potential customers: in this way you will build a solid brand and it will be easy for you to acquire an increasing number of subscribers over time.

The purpose of the webinar is generally to get attendees to sign up for your service or product. However, we found that:

  1. if you offer a paid product in the webinar you could get a maximum of 10% of subscriptions;
  2. if, on the other hand, you offer a free trial of the product or service, the percentage of subscriptions increases up to 40% of the participants.

Keep this aspect in mind, therefore, before formulating a Webinar, and find the right formula based also on the type of your users.

2) Blog and Call To Action

Here’s another aspect you need to take into account if you want turn your visitors into customers. It has been proven that it is much easier to get visitors through a blog than through a generic site. That is, online users much prefer to obtain information and increase their knowledge on a niche topic.

The best strategy is to drive traffic to your website (or sales pages) via a blog. Through a blog, you can insert specific messages, linked to the topics covered, which invite you to perform a specific and finalized action.

There are various methods used for this, namely to create Call to Action :

  • Hellobar : the Hellobar is that horizontal bar (usually orange) that appears just below the navigation bar of a website. In this bar you can enter messages such as: “Find out how to increase traffic by 30% in 15 days” ;
  • Static banners : Static banners with Hellobar-like messages can be another traffic redirect technique;
  • Scroll bars: in the same way as static banners, you can use scroll bars, which go down if you scroll down while navigating the page.

3) Special promotions

Of course, another effective technique is to offer your potential customers special promotions, such as discounts or bundled deals .

We all know how the discount mechanism works, while in the case of the bundled deal the strategy used is to forge partnerships with other sites, offering strong discounts in case of purchase.

The big advantage is that this offer is potentially seen by a large number of visitors and this will lead to more sales.

There are principles to follow when communicating offers and discounts:

  1. creates a sense of urgency
    Expressions like “while supplies last” or “buy now” create strong calls-to-action because they provide readers with an incentive not to postpone the purchase.
  2. Specify a maximum time within which the offer will be valid.
    This is partly linked to the previous point. If the offer will always be valid, why should a user take advantage of it at a specific time? We know that, then, by postponing you could forget the message in favor of stronger offers. The time limit can take the form of a special discount valid for the next purchase, in order to retain new customers who tend not to return. You can also bid on product lines, or use promotions to test new products. If a product available only in spring sells well, you may want to put it on sale permanently.
  3. If a product is only going to be available for a special occasion or period, make sure the difference is noticeable and that customers can’t confuse it with “normal” ones. Think for example of the special packages for Christmas or the limited edition ice creams that come out in the summer and that have packaging clearly different from the usual versions.

4) Collection of emails and creation of lists for newsletters

One last effective method for turn your visitors into customers, is to have their readers subscribe to their newsletter in order to carry out campaigns via e-mail.

The methods are the pop-up that appears as soon as you access the blog, the insertion of a registration form in your sidebar or at the end of each post. With a large list of subscribers, you can always stay in touch with the majority of your users. In this way you will be able to notify them of promotions, offers and activities that may be of interest to them.

To insert pop up messages on your WordPress site you can use a simple and versatile tool like Optin Monster , which I told you about recently in a guide.


After pointing you the steps on how to turn your visitors into customers, we would like to clarify that these techniques can work if you receive at least ten thousand visits a month.

Since the techniques described attract no more than 10% of visitors, of which in turn only 4-5% become customers, you will understand well that in the end it takes a high enough number of visits to be able to overcome the costs of managing the blog.

So, take action right away to drive traffic to your website. You will see that it is not just about numbers, but also about growth opportunities in all senses (not least the economic one).

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