80+ Self Improvement Tips That Will Change Your Life

While I was in my mid-twenties, I went through something of a mid-life crisis. I found myself questioning a lot of the decisions that I had made up until that point, how my career was going along with certain relationship decisions.


It was at this time that I looked at myself and decided on self-improvement. I read every personal development book I could get my hands on and loved learning new personal development tips. 


Personal development is something I’m still passionate about and is something I discuss a lot about here on my blog. And in this post, I’ll be sharing with you 80 and more of my favourite self-improvement tips



  1. Set personal goals. Setting goals is a good way of moving forward in life and help ensure you’re able to achieve your dreams. If you’re ready to start tackling your goals head on, be sure to check out my blog post on how to set goals and plan your best year. 


  1. Write down your goals. While you’re setting goals for yourself, be sure to write them down. There is so much research to show’s people is more likely to meet their goals when they’ve written them down somewhere they can see them!
  2. Start now. Many people have personal development goals they want to achieve, but they believe they must reach other milestones before they can start. This is just a form of procrastination. You can start TODAY!


  1. Break down your goal into actionable steps. If you look at your goal as one huge task, it’s going to seem more overwhelming for you. Instead, try to break it down into individual tasks you must complete to reach your goal and you can note those tasks on your calendar. 


  1. Create a budget. When managing your money, creating a monthly budget is an important place to start from. No, it may not be fun. But eventually down the road it will be, when you have more money to spare every month! once you’ve created your budget, be sure to check in with it daily, or weekly. There are budget apps that can help you stay on top of your budget. 


  1. Make a five-year plan. Planning out your next five years in advance may sound silly or surreal. But mapping out a plan for the next five years is a useful tip in helping you to set goals for your life right now!
  2. Evaluate what isn’t working. If you are not reaching your goals, there’s a reason behind it. Be sure to evaluate your progress so you can figure out what isn’t working out and change whatever is before it’s too late.


  1. Learn to enjoy the moment. I’m someone who spends a lot of time planning and overthinking, but it is important to sit back for a minute and remember to enjoy the moment.


  1. Start a personal development blog. Starting a blog and sharing my personal development journey has helped me to grow as a person. Also, I’ve been able to help others with their own personal development journeys, which has been rewarding!


  1. Start a meal plan. Meal planning has many benefits to it! First, you’ll find yourself far less stressed when you get home from work each night and don’t have to worry or stress about what to have for dinner. It will also help you save money while eating healthier! 


  1. Identify your blind spots. When it comes to personal development, blind spots are things about us that we can’t see, but that are weaknesses or need improvement. Once you can identify those, you can really learn to overcome them!


  1. Make more money. An amazing way to ensure your financial health is to increase the amount of money your make. There are multiple ways you can make income, here’s a great article filled with 35+ creative ways to make extra money. 


  1. Create healthy habits. Your habits make up basically your entire life. Meaning if your life was filled with small unhealthy habits, you’re living an unhealthy life. Instead, try to make sure to create healthy habits in your life. That will help create healthy habits.


  1. Eliminate a bad habit. In addition, with starting good habits, you can try to eliminate the bad habit. Surely, we all have a habit that we wouldn’t really consider healthy, whether it’s smoking, talking down to ourselves, or anything else that isn’t serving us.


  1. Cut down on screen time. This is good for your physical health because it gives your eyes and head a break from the light of your phone screen. But it’s can also be good for your mental health! When I’m feeling down, I know spending some time away from social media and investing my time in other things help. 


  1. Create routines in your life. Routines are basically a collection of habits you do in an certain order every day. By creating new routines in your life, you will have to make far fewer decisions in your day, and this will make you be a lot happier and more productive. 


  1. Read personal development books. I’ve become slightly obsessed with personal development books! No matter what you’re struggling with in life, you’ll be able to find a book that can help you. 
  2. Read personal finance books. When I first became determined to learn about managing my money, personal finance books then became my learning tool! There are so many experts out there with the knowledge to offer you.


  1. Start a 30-day challenge. Start a goal and work on it every day for the next 30 days. There are a lot of 30-day challenge guides online for that help with everything from healthy eating, reading, writing, and more. 


  1. Find an accountability partner or mastermind. If you’re reaching for a goal, why not find someone (or someone’s) who are going after the same goal, and work together to keep each other accountable? You can exchange tips and motivation to ensure you all reach the finish line. 


  1. Commit to an exercise routine. Physical activity is so important, and one of the best ways to care for your body. 
  2. Ask for feedback. No one likes getting critical feedback, but it’s also how we grow! Ask your significant other, friends, boss, co-workers, etc. for feedback and you might actually learn a lot about yourself. And then you can use that feedback to grow as a person!


  1. Create a capsule wardrobe. I spent years with a closet filled with way too many clothes that I rarely wore, with a few staple pieces that I wore all the time. When I finally read about the idea of a capsule wardrobe, or minimalist wardrobe, I was hooked!


  1. Avoid impulse spending. I used to be so bad about impulse spending! I would run into Target for one thing and end up spending way too much money. And let me tell you, it was not great for my credit card balance! Be kind to your finances by avoiding impulse spending.


  1. Listen to self-improvement podcasts. I’ve become a bit of a podcast junkie. I put together a list of my favorite personal development podcasts to motivate and inspire you!


  1. Pay attention to the thoughts you are having. It’s important to stay in tune with what’s going on in your mind. If you’re constantly talking down to yourself or others or having negative thoughts, it’s important to notice that so you can change course!


  1. Expand your network. Even if you’re an introvert and the idea of going to a networking sound terrible to you, you can find different way to network with those in your industry and even other. For bloggers, there are many amazing online networking opportunities!
  2. Eat well. As with exercise, it is important for your body by eating it is incredibly important. Most of us eat far too much sugary and highly processed foods. Trying to eat clean most of the time will have benefits for your body and health. 




  1. Plan your career. Too many people start a job or career and then just get stuck on a in a process without really stopping along the way to revisit the question, whether this is really what you want for to do for your career. Make every decision intentionally so you can control your own career. 


  1. Let go of the past. There are plenty of things in my past that brought me unhappiness, and I’m glad to be past them. Except when I find myself dwelling on them, they bring me unhappiness all over again! You can’t change the past, but you can stop it from negatively impact your life today


  1. Be okay with imperfect. If I never published a piece of writing until it was perfect, I would literally never publish anything! When we make room for perfectionism, we’re really just giving ourselves an excuse not to try at all. Be okay with imperfect work and you’ll reach your goals a lot faster. You can always go back and revise later!


  1. Get outdoors. I don’t know about you, but I always feel amazing after spending the day outside. I’m happier and more relaxed, and often it pushes me to get a good workout in if I’m going hiking or swimming. 
  2. Check in with your partner. It’s important to communicate with your partner regularly to maintain a healthy relationship. Whether you’re scheduling family meetings or date nights, make sure to have time on the calendar just for the two of you. 


  1. Practice delayed gratification. Many of the things you’ll have to do now to reach your goals aren’t going to feel great, but they’ll be much better for you in the long run.


  1. Focus on one thing at a time. Your brain is not always going to be capable of multitasking. If you try to multitask, you can go jumping from task to task without giving anything your full attention. Task’s will take longer, and the finished product won’t be at its best!




  1. Allow time for creativity. If you already have a creative hobby, ensure you’re making time for it in your busy schedule. If you don’t have a creative hobby, try to find one! It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece, but you’ll really see the mental benefits from it. 


  1. Drink lots of water. Did you know most people walk around in a constant state of dehydration? Yep, and it can be the cause of a lot of the discomfort and fatigue you feel throughout the day! Drinking lots of water will make a huge difference in the way you feel. 
  2. Create a morning routine. Starting your morning off on the right foot is important and can help towards having a productive day. 
  3. Create an evening routine. My evening routine ensures that I get to sleep at a decent hour and that I’m ready for the next day. This is when I do things like prepare my lunch for the next day, pick out my clothes, wash my face, etc. 


  1. Spend time alone. I love being with my significant other, or with family and friends. But I also really crave being alone sometimes and feel really refreshed afterward. A little solitude can really help clear your mind. 


  1. Plan your days and weeks ahead of time. I am always so much more productive when I have planned my days and weeks ahead of time. Otherwise, I’m always a little overwhelmed and not entirely sure what I’m supposed to be working on!


  1. Care for your relationships. The relationships you have are some of the biggest determining factors in living a happy life – so make sure you take care of them! Whether it’s your spouse, your parents, or your friends, make time to nurture those relationships.




  1. Keep your home and workspace organized. When my environment is chaotic, I tend to get a little stressed. And clutter decreases your productivity! Keeping an organized home and workspace allows me to focus on other things instead, rather than being overwhelmed by my surroundings.


  1. Never stop learning. I was one of those kids who loved learning in school but when I graduated college, I wasn’t bothered about all the classes I didn’t get a chance to take. Luckily, it never stopped me from learning! Whether you’re into books, online course, or whatever, there are endless opportunities for you to learn new things!


  1. Be adaptable. What got you to where you are now in life isn’t necessarily what is going to get you to where you want to go. Figure out who you need to become to reach your goals, and then become that person! And remain adaptable along the way. 


  1. Learn to forgive. If you’re still hanging onto old anger and resentment from the past, learn to forgive and let it go. You aren’t hurting the anyone, only yourself!


  1. Stop comparing yourself with others. There is never any good thing to come from comparing yourself to someone else. You both are on different journeys. Rather than comparing yourself with others, compare yourself with your past self and see how much you have grown. 


  1. Find a mentor. One of the biggest turning points for me in reaching my goals has been finding mentors and teachers to learn from who have already accomplished what I want to accomplish. Start networking and find a mentor in your field!


  1. Build an emergency fund. You never know what to expect in life, so you should always be prepared. Building an emergency fund allows you to start preparing for unexpected troubles. That way if something goes wrong, you’re covered at least with finances!



  1. Learn a new language. Not only is learning a new language a great growing and mind-opening experience, but it also might really come in hand for job opportunities or future travels!


  1. Treat yourself. You work hard and deserve to treat yourself. Way too many people feel guilty about treating themselves, so they just don’t. There’s nothing to feel guilty about!


  1. Say no. I tend to have a hard time saying no to others. But that unfortunately means that I’m not getting as many things done on my own to-do list. I’ve really had to learn to say no to others sometimes, no matter how uncomfortable it might make me!


  1. Analyze your emotions. If you’re experiencing negative emotions, analyze them and try to figure out why. What thoughts are you having that are causing those negative feelings? Likewise, when you’re experiencing positive emotions, figure out what thoughts are creating them so you can recreate those positive emotions in the future. 
  2. Watch less television. I have to say, I’ve never been grateful that I spent an entire day or weekend mindlessly watching television. In fact, there are times in my life where I wish I would have spent a lot less time watching TV and a lot more time working toward my goals!


  1. Do your most important task first every day. There are always going to be those days where you don’t finish everything on your to-do list. I like to finish my most important task first thing in the morning. That way no matter what else happens, I still had a productive day!



  1. Set personal boundaries. No one else in life is going to be looking out for your mental health and best interests as well as you can. Setting boundaries in your life is a great way to put yourself first and make sure no one else can negatively impact your health and happiness. 


  1. Admit your mistakes. We all mistakes. It’s human nature. And making a few mistakes along the way isn’t going to hold you back. But what will hold you back is not being able to admit and learn from your mistakes. 


  1. Level up your skills. Learning new skills is great, but are you still brushing up on the skills you already have? Continuing to level up your skill is a great way to grow professionally and personally. 


  1. Start a skincare routine. I was in my twenties before I really started taking care of my skin. Before that, I would regularly go to sleep with makeup on, go days without moisturizing, etc. It’s amazing how much better my skin looks now that I consistently take care of it. And don’t forget the SPF every day!




  1. Travel somewhere new. There is so much to be gained by traveling! I really feel myself growing as a person every time I travel to a new place. 




  1. Practice positive affirmations. The right mindset you approach life with is going to have a large impact on the results you will see. When I’m doubting whether I’ll be able to reach the goals I set, using positive affirmations to turn my mindset around is key towards helping me achieve my goal. 




  1. Start a meditation practice. For years I never took the idea of meditating serious because it just seemed way too woo-woo. But once I tried it, I realized the benefits are real and helpful.
  2. Don’t rely on credit cards. Way too many people fall into the trap of credit card debt. I know because I’ve been there! Stop using your credit cards until you can figure out how to do so without going into debt.


  1. Give back to your community. By volunteering and giving back, you can help ensure everyone in your community, including you and your family, have the best home possible. This might mean volunteering at your local food pantry or helping on an environment project. 




  1. Surround yourself with positive people. Have you ever had a friend who was really negative, and you always found yourself feeling really negative after spending time with them? I feel like we’ve all had at least one person in our lives like that. We’ve all heard the saying, “you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. Well do you really want to be more like that negative person, or would you rather learn from the positive people in your life? I know which I would prefer!


  1. Practice self-care. Many people think that self-care is selfish, or not a productive use of time. Really, self-care is just helping you care for yourself, and it really is important. Self-care looks different for everyone, so figure out what it looks like for you and put it on your calendar!




  1. Start a gratitude journal. I tend to be a bit of a glass half empty person. Starting a gratitude practice in my journal has really forced me to focus on the positive things in my life, at least for a little bit each day!


  1. Work through issues with a therapist. The idea of going to may not seem like it the best solution to most people, and I used to be one of those people. But talking your thoughts and feelings out with a professional can do wonders for your mental health!


  1. Develop an abundance mindset. If you assume that nothing you do is going to go right and you can’t become successful, you’ll be right. Believing you can accomplish something is the first step to it becoming a reality!


  1. Journal regularly. I tend to struggle with anxiety. Lately, I’ve found a great way to deal with it is to just do a brain dump of all the thoughts I’m having and talk myself through them. I always end up feeling better!


  1. Stop negative thoughts. If you’re having negative thoughts that are causing negative feelings, stop them in their tracks. For me, this goes hand in hand with journaling, as I journal what negative thoughts I’m having, and then the positive thoughts I want to think instead.


  1. Challenge yourself. You can grow so much as a person by challenging yourself and pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Here are 22 ways can challenge yourself to live your best life.




  1. Schedule time for fun. It’s easy to get caught up in work and all the other responsibilities life has to offer. But it may start to have negative effects of not having enough free time. Try to schedule some time to have fun


  1. Become familiar with your credit report. I paid almost no attention to my credit reports until it started to affect me in my mid-twenties and boy do I wish I had started checking before then. Your credit report will be a huge factor down the road when it comes to do things like buying a car or a house. 


  1. Keep a to-do list. I don’t know about you, but I can’t possibly remember tasks if I haven’t written them down. Keeping a to-do list helps to reduce a lot of mental clutter and allows you to focus on the task at hand. 
  2. Embrace change. You are going to go through major changes in your life, whether you like it or not. If you don’t embrace change, you’ll find yourself dreading it and suffering through change rather than enjoying it. 


  1. Get lots of sleep. Your body needs sleep. When I haven’t gotten enough sleep, I can feel it. And it starts to affect other parts of my life negatively. I am for at least seven hours per night.
  2. Create a vision board. If you’re reaching for some BIG goals, it might be easy to lose motivation. Creating a vision board ensures your big goals are always in front of you, so you continue to remember what you’re working for.


  1. Save for retirement. Many people think about what they can do to improve for their current selves but not on improving life for their future self is just as important. Make sure to start saving for retirement. Your future self will thank you!


  1. Embrace failure. Usually, we tend to shy away from failure, and often don’t bother going after our goals because of the fear of failure. Instead, we should be embracing the fact that failure helps us to grow. When you fail, you learn important lessons that will help you the second time around. 




  1. Commit to yourself. Whatever form of personal development you decide is the best choice, commit to it. Personal growth is a lifelong effort. Once you start to honour the commitments you made to yourself and showing that you’ll follow through for yourself, it will be a lot easier to start seeing the positive changes in your life. 




Final Thoughts

 There are many of tips for self-improvement included in this post this post so that anyone will be able to find with their self-improvement ideas that appeal to them. 


As someone who has been passionate about improving their personal development for years now, some of these changes have changed my life, and I know they can do the same for you too. 


Be sure to leave me a comment and let me know YOUR favourite self-help tips!

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