14 Simple Ways to Cope With Your Job Stress

To be effective and happy at work, it’s important to be able to manage the stress that invariably comes with your job. Because there are such a variety of occupations, there is also a broad array of different reasons of stress. For example, many of the pressures that a self-employed electrician will confront are different from those of a doctor, schoolteacher, or mail carrier.

But on the other hand, many of the stress points will be similar across certain professions. These include difficult co-workers, the expectations to meet deadlines, also an unexpected, unrealistic expectations from superiors increase in workload, and more.

Learning how to effectively deal with this stress is essential. Those who lack good coping mechanism eventually begin to dislike their job. They spend Sunday dreading going to work on Monday, and when back at work, they count down the days until the weekend. All these will most likely lead to them feeling burned out and possibly quit their jobs due to too much stress.

However, there is a better approach, and it begins with using a simpler plan of action that anyone can master. Let’s look at a handful of things you can do to get rid of job stress.

Here are 7 simple ways to cope with your job stress while at work:

1. Learn to Say “No”
Much of your stress may be caused because you over-extend yourself when responding to requests from co-workers for help. Sure, it’s great to be a team player, and it’s wonderful to help a colleague. But when this means your own work consistently suffers, then it’s not really doing you any good.

By the way, keep in mind that when you say “no,” it is a complete sentence. It needs no explanation—you don’t have to explain why you said “no.” Just say it with a smile.

2. If You Can’t Say “No,” Take a Different Approach
If saying “no” is not an option—as is the case when your boss gives you another assignment—then take a different approach.

You can tell them the following instead: “I’m happy to take that on and here is a list of my current tasks and projects that require all my time at work. Which of these projects or tasks would you like me to put on hold so I can pursue this new assignment?”

3. Stay Away From Gossip
Stay away from work-related gossip and drama. Is it entertaining? Most often, yes. But it also sucks up your time and creates tension in the workplace. Moreover, it also saps your mental energy. Focus on your work, not drama.

4. Remind Yourself What’s Important in Your Life
At the beginning of the workday, take a moment to remind yourself of what is most important in your life. In all likelihood, the answer will not be your work. Is work important? Yes. Is it the most important? Probably not.

When you look back on your life, you will not say, “I would have had such a rich and happy time if only I had completed that Johnson report a day early.” This is not to encourage a failure to meet work-related obligations, but you should always keep them in perspective. This will substantially diminish the job stress you’re experiencing.

5. Write Down 3 Priorities for the Next Day
At the end of your day, write down three priorities for the next day. When you arrive at work the next morning, review the list. Make sure you complete the top priorities—you’ll end each day with a sense of accomplishment and a clearer view of what you need to tackle next. A sense of clarity and progress reduces stress.

6. Take a Brief Walk
A five-minute stroll through the office—or better yet outside—can provide you with a mental reset and other health benefits.[1] Don’t stop walking just to talk to others. This isn’t a break for socializing. The goal here is to get your blood flowing more freely creating a small jolt to the nervous system that will improve your mood and concentration.

7. Take Deep Breaths
Take two or three deep breaths. However, not just any type of deep breathing will work. What I personally recommend is diaphragmatic breathing, though there are other helpful breathing exercises as well. The diaphragmatic breathing exercise helps stimulate your vagus nerve, which helps to produce a state of calm.


What you do at home will also influence how stressed you are at work.

The following 7 tips will help you feel less job-related stress while in your home:

8. Get a Few Minutes of Exercise Every Day
Make sure to get at least 20 minutes of exercise a day. It doesn’t matter what kind, just if it gets your heart pumping and without overworking your body, such as walking, using a treadmill, jumping rope, etc. Exercising helps relieve the day’s stress and give you a sense of accomplishment. Both of these acts can counterbalance the stress you recieve from work.

9. Mind Your Sleep
Pay attention to getting some rest. Make sure you are getting the appropriate amount and quality of sleep that your body requires. Everyone is different in this sense, but 7 to 9 hours of sleep is normal. Be disciplined about getting to bed on schedule, and if your sleeping poorly, try some night time or evening routines to help improve your sleeping habits.

10. Leave Work Where It Belongs
Leave work where it belongs—at the workplace. If it means that you cannot complete essential tasks before the end of the day just stay longer, then leave work behind. Constantly taking work home is a recipe for stress. It is like having an unwanted house guest who refuses to leave and then travels with you on vacation.

11. Pay Attention to How You Transition from Work to Home
Use your home to shift your mindset. You can try to listen to a music, a podcast or plan an evening out. Once your home, take ten minutes for yourself to relax before jumping into the fray of family life. Doing this improves the odds that you will have more of an enjoyable evening—and a strong defence against work stress.

12. Take Notes on What Best Prepares You for a Good Workday
Keep notes on what makes for an evening at home that best prepares you for a good day at work. Is it quality time with your spouse/children? A half-hour pursuing a hobby or other interest. Reckless heavy drinking (just kidding)?

Whatever it is, begin to make certain that you regularly have that activity as part of your after-work routine.

13. Prepare the Night Before
Prepare for the workday the night before. Put your workbox, briefcase, lunch, car keys, and anything else you will need in one spot. Set out your clothes. Make a lunch ahead of time. You get the idea. Five minutes of prep makes for a smooth transition in the morning, which reduces stress and increases confidence.

14. Wake Up Early
Waking up early will mentally shift your perspective as you’ve gotten a jump on the day. The morning feels less rushed, and there is time to take a deep breath and collect your thoughts.

Hitting the snooze button, on the other hand, feels as though you are avoiding the challenges of the day. Don’t go there. Shift your mindset. You should wake up early to take control and make the most of life.

Final Thoughts
Job stress impacts all of us. It cannot be avoided, but it can be managed. Those who make the effort to learn the skills required for dealing with this sort of stress become happier people. They also become more effective at their job. Most importantly, they develop a sense of confidence and optimism that helps them live life more fully. Give it a try. You’ll like the results.

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