SEO Strategy: Trends and a step by step for your company to appear at the top

Who is not on Google, practically does not exist. So, for you to get ahead, we’ve listed some SEO trends and unmissable content optimization tips.

Before we start, a quick question: how did you come to this article? If it was because you visit our portal frequently and the title attracted you, we appreciate your preference! We hope the content helps you and that you keep coming back.

Now, if you did a search on Google or another tool and found the text, this is precisely due to an SEO strategy, an acronym for Search Engine Optimization. That is, the work of understanding search algorithms and optimizing the online presence of content so that it becomes more search engine friendly. Such work allows these contents to be better positioned in search results. In other words, they make us more relevant and visible — just like this text was for you.

In this article , Alexandre Kavinsky, an expert in digital performance, offers an enlightening introduction to SEO practices. If you are not familiar with the subject, reading is highly recommended.

What’s happened recently and what’s to come
Now, we want to share some of the top current trends in Search Engine Optimization. “Oh, but that only matters to those who work with digital marketing”, you can say. Undoubtedly, the marketing people are the most interested in the subject. But you, as an entrepreneur, should also stay in the loop, because SEO is a very effective — and inexpensive — way for your brand to gain relevance and prestige.

In this article by Moz , a company specializing in SEO based in Seattle (USA), we have a detailed overview of everything that has changed recently in Google search (including an image that shows the main movements of Google in the last year).

On the basis of “knowing the past to predict the future”, we can list some trends that you need to know about. Are they:

1 – Only mobile matters…
It’s a fact: Google is on a path of no return to the mobile world. The prioritization of mobile in indexing seems to be the inevitable consequence of the company’s recent efforts — almost all of them exclusively dedicated to forcing a shift in mindset from desktop to mobile devices.

2 – … which leads to prioritization of personalized searches
While links remain essential for content ranking, Google’s innovations are also almost entirely dedicated to predictive and personalized searches. Considering that mobile devices are deeply personal, this makes perfect sense.

3 – Voice search must be the next frontier
For the same reason mentioned above, voice engine searches are an important SEO trend. Especially because Bing, which adopts a different business strategy than Google, may emerge as a major competitor in this territory.

4 – The importance of local research must increase
In an essentially mobile world, local searches tend to gain even more relevance. This would justify an algorithm update like Possum in late 2016, which directly impacted results by location (mostly those that appear on Google Maps) and filters what does and doesn’t appear for someone according to that person’s address. who are searching. This trend is important for any business with a physical store, whether owned or franchised, especially for those that offer fast-food products, as the consumer’s purchase decision can be made in a simple Google search for “cafeteria na Paulista”, for example.

5 – Video and image marketing also on the rise
Some of Google’s recent acquisitions of startups — such as MoodStock, a French facial recognition startup, and EyeFluence, which specializes in eye-interaction technology — suggest that the company will pay increasing attention to video and image marketing. This is perhaps because when it comes to monetizing videos and images, YouTube is struggling to compete with Facebook.

A step-by-step guide for you to put together the best SEO strategy as soon as possible

There’s no doubt that you need to be on top of these trends. However, they are just that — trends, which should gradually establish themselves as a reality in digital marketing.

Now, what do you need to do to rank your content better today? Also based on recent analyzes ( like this one from the GetStarted portal), we have separated some essential tips for you to be able to build your SEO strategy.

1 – Focus on link building (internal creation of links to your content)
There are three main factors for content ranking. The main ones, despite recent changes, are still the internal links of your content.

That’s because Google has prioritized as never before the value of links, and the sites they refer to. Algorithms measure the value of these links by the domains they come from, as well as the related pages on those domains.

There are even metrics for this assessment: Domain Authority (DA) and Page Authority (PA), which are based on a scale from zero to 100.

The higher the number, the better the domain authority (DA) of your website, that is, the domain is recognized by Google robots as a channel that produces relevant content. Likewise, each new content page (PA) that is created earns a score that increases as this link is referenced by other sites. Therefore, when working on backlinks in your content (links from other sites pointing to yours), prioritize domains and pages with high DA and PA. This will certainly improve the ranking of your content on Google.

2. Pay full attention also to the quality of the content
Google, through its algorithm, is increasingly focused on providing users with really relevant content. This means that just a good job of link building is not enough: the content needs to be of high quality.

The upside of this is that if your content is really good, it can rank well even if you don’t have the best backlinks. For example, if you produce great content for low-intensity or extensive keywords, you may benefit from this factor.

And remember: content is an on-page factor — that is, it is part of the optimization techniques aimed at your website or blog. And, for Google, optimized content is a very argumentative, explanatory, direct text with keywords.

3. Don’t forget about RankBrain
“But I don’t even know what it is!”

No problem, we explain: RankBrain is Google’s cognitive computing and artificial intelligence system. It is used to provide the best search results for users as it automatically updates and “learns” from the searches performed.

For example, when users search for a specific item and are drawn to the third result instead of the first, RankBrain makes the switch: the third one goes to the top, and the first one falls.

Nobody knows for sure everything that RankBrain is capable of doing. But their goal is to improve the overall user experience and provide the best results for each and every search.

Why is it important to you? Because it’s one more reason for your content to be well thought out.

If you focus on providing the best possible text for the keywords you want to rank for, then you will be able to rank. That means top-notch content with at least 500 words, which provide relevant answers to the searches performed.

4. Deepen your knowledge with a course
One last unmissable tip to finish: the Digital Marketing for Entrepreneurs course , an Endeavor and Sebrae co-ordination. Taught by Vitor Peçanha, co-founder of Rock Content, the course is online and free. With it, you:

Understand what are the differentials of Digital Marketing
Define a Digital Marketing strategy in your company
Understand how Inbound Marketing helps you achieve results
Know the concept of Vendarketing: the alignment of marketing and sales
Define and measure metrics
Set up a Digital Marketing department
Now that you’re on top of SEO news and best practices, how about putting them into action? Your company can only win!

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